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Old 05-07-2009, 01:28 PM
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CharlesinCharge CharlesinCharge is offline
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Default DRX-9000 - A scam

It should be noted that the company that patented and sold the DRX-9000 was sued by a number of people that paid thousands of dollars for treatment and never got better, and they had an "F" rating by the Better Business Bureau. There are some limited cases where traction and stretching the spine can help, but those are for patients who have minor back problems. If you have one of the 3 items I listed above, traction and non-surgical decompression is very unlikely to work. The company that marketed the DRX-9000 was sued for false marketing, fraud and many other things, and went out of business. They claimed their machine could help anyone with back pain, which is a load of crap. I would advise that you get a definitive diagnosis of what is causing you back pain BEFORE you undergo any non-surgical decompression. Like Harrison said, many insurance companies will not pay for it and some people have actually reported being in MORE pain after the treatments, not in less pain.
Charles B. Fainberg
Back pain suddenly started 9/05, no injury or cause
PT, Chiropractic, Epidural Injections - no help
DDD confirmed via discogram at L4/L5 & L5/S1 (with issues at L3/L4 but no concordant pain) 3/06
Failed SED (Laser Endoscopic surgery) 4/06
2 level ADR (L4-L5 & L5-S1) with Maverick disc at Stenum 8/06
XLIF Fusion (L3/L4) 9/08
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