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Old 03-02-2010, 04:07 PM
kimmers kimmers is offline
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Default Imho


As you know, Cauda Equina is a medical emergency. I would get your symptoms checked out ASAP to rule that out. I do know of a friend who got Cauda Equina and the effects are permanent.

As for spinal decompression, don't know anyone it worked on. Very expensive and I do believe it is a racket, but someone on here might have had it work. I do have a friend who was going to try it and I warned her but she said it was cheaper than having surgey.
Decompression done in Physical Therapy did not work for me, increased the pain in fact.

If I were you, I would get it worked up with the NHS as an emergency, because it may very well be. My friend ignored her symptoms and then it was too late. She has to go through self-catherization, bowel problems, etc... I feel very bad for her as she has had a rough go.
Good luck and welcome.
hurt back lifting, herniated disc at L4/L5. DDD
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