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Old 12-24-2011, 01:48 AM
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Tatonka_usn Tatonka_usn is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 80

Thanks. I'm not particularly computer proficient either, so if that is all it takes I might just be able to manage. Busy with holiday stuff, but will try to get to it early in the new year. I figure that I should be getting the DEXA scan around then as well, so I can sent it all in one big collection.
4/07:LBP + radiculopathy=severe L5-S1 herniation , 7/07:Micro-D, 08-09:Reherniation, 09-17: periodic residual symptoms (conservative modalities to maintain "stability" = prolotherapy, ESI/nerve blocks/facet injections, chiro, massage, phys ther), 7/17 pain in neck/right shoulder radiating into hand (no trauma involved), 7-10/17 Conservative treatment to date include physical therapy/dry-needling/facet-injections (C4/5 to C6/7). Researching surgical options should progression continue.
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