Thread: Confused
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Old 01-11-2012, 11:05 PM
2Confused 2Confused is offline
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Default Confused

Thank you for your response. Honestly, I had not thought to question why there was not a plan for all areas that are damaged, thank you for pointing this out to me. * Frankly, I'm not thrilled with the medical care I have thus far received. *I used to joke & said more than once "if I had a serious medical condition to get me out of this area if they want me to recover". *
Not a funny joke, but a valid concern.*

On my last visit the doctor indicated that I should schedule surgery sooner rather later. *He said that the damages are progressing & causing more degeneration & that it would get worse if I continue to wait.

My spouse & I have discussed going to another area for another opinion. *My doctor at Mayo Clinic did review the first set of MRI's & CT scans & she indicated that I would need surgery, although this is out of her area of expertise.

I'm reading & researching the forum, so bear with me as attempt to absorb everything. *You mention Europe & from what I've read thus far here, they are light years ahead of us... Why? *FDA restrictions? *There is so much to learn & educating myself will hopefully ease my fears. *Recently, a friend who is older had back surgery - supposed to be a routine procedure, in & out in of hospital in 2 poss. 3 days. *Complications caused them to be in ICU for almost 2 weeks plus another week after.... So I am a more than a little afraid. *Plus, they are still experiencing back pain 5 months later. *

Again, thank you for your input - you have prompted me to ask more questions. *

Any advise & knowledge you wish to share will be greatly appreciated.
50 year old female
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