Thread: Snow Shoveling
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Old 03-02-2012, 07:07 PM
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jasonhhh jasonhhh is offline
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Originally Posted by Harrison View Post
In Boston, we're getting dumped on with weigh too, way too much snow! Here's a helpful article for those of you that must shovel. An excerpt and the link below:

Use ergonomic lifting techniques

Whenever possible, push the snow to one side rather than lifting it. When lifting the snow shovel is necessary, make sure to use ergonomic lifting techniques:

Always face towards the object you intend to lift

Bend at the hips, not the low back, and push the chest out, pointing forward. Then, bend your knees and lift with your leg muscles, keeping your back straight

Keep your loads light and do not lift an object that is too heavy for you

If you must lift a shovel full, grip the shovel with one hand as close to the blade as comfortably possible and the other hand on the handle (handle and arm length will vary the technique)

Avoid twisting the back to move your object to its new location � always pivot your whole body to face the new direction

Keep the heaviest part of the object close to your body at your center of gravity

Walk to the new location to deposit the item rather than reaching or tossing

When gripping the shovel, keep your hands about 12 inches apart to provide greater stability and minimize the chances of injuring your low back.
good info i live in nyc area havent seen any snow this year thank god after last year i was dying shoveling 2 times a week
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