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Old 04-13-2012, 03:08 PM
Sandy123 Sandy123 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 37

Wpkat, I just had surgery with Dr. Pimenta a month ago and had the XL Nuvasive disc put in which is in phase III trials right now in the U.S. I think Dr. Pimenta is one of the best surgeons in the world and I felt lucky to have him. Even though my facets are not in the best shape, moderate arthirtis Dr. Pimenta still felt I would do very well with an adr.
He did not even bring up the Glyder System. I did not even know about it or I would have asked him for info. I do know it's hard to get ahold of him, he travels a lot. You can try calling the office or his email but only one man speaks English, I think his name is Rafael.
1994 - Fused A/P from T3 to L4 with THRS rods (13 discs) Terrible operation at 38 years old
1996 - Rods taken out.
2011 - DDD L4/L5 significant degenerative changes L sided disc protrusion with foraminal encroachment, not central narrowing., L5/S1-mild disc bulging without foraminal narrowing.
2011 - right sided transforaminal injection for sciatica and it worked, yeah!
2011- Scheduled for 2 ADR's with Dr. Rajakumar/India but cancelled until Feb. or March.
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