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Old 05-01-2012, 04:37 PM
james163ca james163ca is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 9

Thank you for your response.

I am having this issue for the past 5 years. It started with a pain on the left side of my back and PT made it worse. I haven't been able to sit since then.
I am sorry for your wife. 23yo is really young. I switch to supervised exercise/PT since two years ago, which costs me $500+ per month. It doesn't help much with the pain, but it keeps your body and back muscles strong. I highly recommend that. Two years ago I was scared of even looking at gym equipment, I can do 40 pushups now.

In US, medical fields are an example of conflict of interest, IMO. Doctors want the money rather than thinking of what is best for the patient. If they can diagnose you within 15 minutes, perfect. Otherwise, you are out of luck. My case requires more attentions and doctors are not willing to do that.

I don't quit know how much of disc height I have lost. MRI reports say there is a height loss, but they do not say how much. I am certainly shorter than 5 year ago, as my height measurements shows.

I think you are right about the left side pain. It is from degenerated facet joints. The reason is that I get lot of pain bending and twisting to the left.
Looking at dermatome maps, it seems my burning sensations on the back of legs and buttocks comes from S1-S2, and on the bottom of my feet comes from L4-S1. I mentioned this to a Doc, and he basically said he has studied dermatome maps for 20 years and I better shut up lol

I really don't know what to do. Life is precisions and I am not depressed, but I don't want to live like a prisoner (I haven’t traveled more than 15 miles of my home during the last 5 years).
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