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Old 12-29-2012, 12:16 PM
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thejoker6981 thejoker6981 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 33

Went in the other day to get the staples out and means that the doc was on con leave himself I was told to go the emergency room to get something to help with the sleep and maybe something better for the pain. All the did was give me ambien and up my dosage of percs. Problem is I'm almost out of pain meds ( wife was helping control the dosage for me so I was taking them as prescribed) and now soon I have to go in for a sleep study. The fact that I can not sleep on my stomach anymore greatly increased my sleep apnea. Sad thing is that my wife and I have not been able to sleep in the same room since the surgery due to my snoring and stopping breathing through out the night. Oh well Sleep apnea is an automatic 50% dissability from the army.
*Lee Anthony
*C5/C6 Prodisc C July 18, 2012
*DJD Disease C3-C4, C4-C5, C6-C7
*Multilevel endplate herniation pits/Schmorl's nodes with evedence of minimal acute-on-chronic inflammation at T12-L1 level
*Disc Laminectomy 17th December 2012
*2 rods 8 screws " Well at least thats what I was told" (Check out the sweet during surgery Photos)

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