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Old 01-31-2013, 05:44 PM
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Grover771 Grover771 is offline
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Default I'm new here - need 3 disc fusion - looking at options

I am 53 years old and was diagnosed with DDD back in 1988, along with cervical bulges. I have been handling that very well over the years.
On Oct 28, I was pulling vines out of trees in our back yard and felt like I'd overdone it. The next morning, I was really sore but got in my car to drive to a conference, I could not get comfortable all! X-rays showed Osteroarthritis (which I knew I had).. So Dr gave me steroid PAC and pain pills. 2 weeks later I went back and got an MRI. Results showed bulges pretty much everywhere, but moderate at L3, 4 and 5. L5-S1 was actually indenting the thecal sac.

She sent me to Ortho. Couldn't get in for weeks, so agreed to see his PA. She looked at everything and said she didn't think it was te disc bulges, but te facet joint arthritis causing my pain, and sent me to PT. 5 weeks of PT and I decided to see a neurosurgeon. He's done amazing work on my husband so we felt comfortable seeing him. He ordered a discgramn, which I had last week. Went to see te doc yesterday, and I have Level 5 Annular tears at All 3 of those discs! L3,4,5! He said 3 disc fusion was an option. We asked if there was anything else, and he mentioned the Autologous Stem Cell transplant. He is currently gathering more infirmation for us, trying to confirm if I would be a candidate. We are also researching... Which led me to this forum. He did not mention ADR... Not sure if its because he doesn't personally do that surgery or it wouldn't work for me.

So hear I am... Wearing my heart on my sleeve. I work at a computer (telecommuter employee, thank God!) for a college, and have a fairly heavy travel (conference) schedule coming up. Trying to make some decisions and wondered if any of you could assist.

1. Do you know if I would be a candidate for Autologous STM Cell transplant? Doesn't make sense, that if my tears go all the way through, how would injecting cells n there work? Wouldn't they just leak out too?

2. Would it be wise to ask my Dr. About ADR? it appears by many of your postings, that it would involve a trip to Germany? Clearly this also is a non-insurance covered procedure? sigh.

Thanks for letting me share.
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