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Old 03-10-2013, 07:19 PM
KanRunMo KanRunMo is offline
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Posts: 19
Default 6 ADR wow!

Originally Posted by Lillyth View Post
What about going to the media? I bet you ANYTHING they will pre-pay if we get you enough coverage.

I used to be in PR, so let me know if you want help with that. The public outcry could be HUGE. Everybody loves firemen.

Media should be a last resort, BTW, so if you have an appeals process or what have you, let that play out first.
It is wonderful that Dr. Clavel will do 6 ADRs. I hope it goes very well.
I've had back problems off and on for years. It has been "quiet" for several years but is beginning to "speak up" recently. I'm scheduled to see an orthopedic that a friend has recommended. However, he will most likely suggest a fusion since I think he is educated in the U.S. I've had several lumbar discs which are shown to be degenerated and a cervical fracture. My choice would also be Dr. Clavel if I had the money.

There shouldn't be a question that highly physical jobs, such as firemen should be allowed the medical care they need including ADRs.
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