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Old 03-31-2013, 11:44 PM
SpineInSecurity SpineInSecurity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 32

My question would be when does "taking one's time" cross the line into "wasting time"? I looked at my pre-op scribbles and notes, and my neurosurgeon generally does 4-5 procedures on surgery days.

Another of my doctors has seen my neurosurgeon and his team in action, and he likened them to a silent NASCAR pit crew where the surgeon rarely had to ask for anything and everything is almost done by muscle memory. Instruments and materials were in hand and ready for the surgeon without being called for.

For something as highly technical as an ADR, I'm glad they're able to work like this, rather than having to ask "is this enough?" or "which one is the medium trial?"
April '98 - Injured @ work
Oct '98 - Declared "permanent and stationary" by workers' comp docs
10 years of PT and chiropractic...
Oct '08 - Sudden incapacitating lumbar / sciatic pain with foot drop
April '09 - L5-S1 microdiscectomy fixes foot drop and most of the pain
May '11 Hey doc, I'm tired of my neck hurting...
Dec '11 - C5-6 Prodisc-C
July '12 - Neck is still doing well. L5-S1 is "done" - bone on bone
July '13 - L4-L5-S1 TLIF
Aug '13 - C7-T1 microdiskectomy
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