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Old 07-01-2010, 11:18 PM
mattbrand mattbrand is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 18


Thanks for the reply. Is Dr. Bertagnoli as good as some say he is? I have had 8 surgeons here in the US refuse to do ADR since they say I have so little disc space left. One here in the US said he would consider it but I would have to fly out to California to see him in person before he decides. (I’m in Chicago.)

Are you completely satisfied with the surgery and care you received? Any word or tips on the flight back? I am having lumbar ADR, at the L5-S1 level and is 7 days or so in the hospital and 7 days in the hotel enough to be fit to handle the rigors of a return flight? I will also be traveling by myself and have to lug a suitcase around. I plan on packing VERY light of course.

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