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Old 01-23-2010, 07:53 PM
jamie5136 jamie5136 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 66
Default Debit card stolen

When I was in the Bogen hospital, my debit card was stolen... your room is open with your stuff exposed for the whole staff. My card was cut off and I had no money for food, nothing and was alone. Not good and scary! You can pay for a locker, but THEY keep the key... classic

Originally Posted by annapurna View Post
Laura just had C6/7 replaced with her second Prodisc C yesterday with Prospine. She was checked into the Bogen hospital the day before having flown into Munich earlier and taken the train into Bogen. I got a chance to speak with her just briefly as they rolled out of recovery into the room where she'd be monitored after her surgery and was told that I'd be able to speak with her again later that night before they locked down the ward and threw all the visitors out. With that in mind I rushed down to where she had been before surgery and, in my rush, locked all of her belongings including passport and company-owned laptop, in the locker in that room and pocketed the key. I then rushed to the hotel and made a quick dinner and headed back to the hospital. I didn't realize it then but somehow, when fumbling for the hotel key I lost the locker key.

The good news is that the lockers in the Bogen hospital rooms are really secure. It took a pair of facilities guys better than a half hour to break into the locker so we could get at Laura's stuff. To anyone who gets surgery here, feel free to trust the security of the lockers just don't loose the key.

We'll try to post more later about her surgery and recovery but it looks like all is going well and the locker incident may have drained any bad karma floating around.
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