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Old 08-12-2006, 01:12 AM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

Now it really makes no diff to me when Prodisc is approved here as my OSS put in for the Charite hybrid surgery (Dr.Bae asked for Prodisc hybrid surgery) and all WC reviewing docs are denying even a fusion for me by ACOEM guidelines let alone disc replacement.

I just receieved notice today that my case has gone to a doctor (don't know if it's Neuro, Ortho, Plastic surgeon or other) in Rancho Santa Fe (SD Co.) to review and the only reason he would need to do a physical on me is if he disagrees with the surgery~ so probably I will have an exam because I can't imagine this dr. agreeing to the surgery after seeing 6 or so full paged denials from WC.

What a waste of CA. WC funds. I've have roughly 6 consultations for ADR/ADR hybrid surgery in 3 years, UR processed requests for surgery as many times (and denials) not to mention just approvals for appts. and all the in between stuff with Nurse Case Managers, the shots (ESIs) and whatever.

A bunch of extra $$ in terms of the UR process tho for WC to be wasting and the State of CA. Imagine if they do this for me, they are doing it for other cases. How is this saving money for the state? How is this helping employees get back to work?

I want to get a Cost Analysis of all costs re my case/referrals/processing authorizations thru UR since first being sent for the ADR consultations and see how much $ WC has put into this for the GOV.

Then compare it to at least the cost of proposed surgery and possibly some projected recovery treatment plan with ESIs and meds (Neurontin) that were mentioned by Dr.Bae at the Spine Center (due to possible reactivation of nerve pain as with prior spine surgery).

I still hope Prodisc FDA approval comes quickly enough for those waiting~ and surgeries will begin to be scheduled and PERFORMED! Best to all waiting!
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