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Old 02-25-2020, 07:28 PM
JayleeNW JayleeNW is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 24

5 weeks is pretty early on. The "perfect" spine comment made me smile. I'd follow the advice of PT and waiting longer unless you are in real serious danger. Why did it happen? And are you taking steps to prevent further injury? Placing a single level ADR is pretty straight forward. And you are likely a good candidate from what you wrote. And for many people these have worked well for now. The real question is will you benefit more from a single level ADR or a single level Fusion? The ADR gives you range of motion and the potential to prevent Adjacent Level Disease (Although this is still very debatable).

The ADR will make imaging down the road more difficult at that level.

Give whatever you do a lot of thought and don't be in a rush... unless of course your Doctors say you need to give this immediate surgical attention.

I'm new here but not to ADR's... so I have much reading to do... and I'd recommend doing a search and reading up as much as you can.
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