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Old 04-25-2022, 02:12 AM
elorpar elorpar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 32

Osteophytes are located in c5c6 posterior, probably generated by cage position (a little bit displaced to the frontside), I assume the best way is to take out the cage and clen the area.

Stiffness is also causing like a really creepy sound when I move my neck.. maybe caused by extra pressure in adjacent levels/facets and really concerning when you have 36 years old and have to carry this all neck your life.

As you say in a future I could take ADR on other levels and fusion is not that bad compared with an herniated disk, but it is not good enough to ponderate if it is worth to try to prevent neck health and to have a maybe better functionality at this point.

I thing I will go on with operation next week, and also try PT after that operation if the outcome is still not good (maybe better PRP?).
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