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Old 05-07-2022, 03:54 AM
elorpar elorpar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 32

Post-op day 3

- 2 celebrex 200mg per day (pretending to be during one month)
- Glucosamine, ccondotirne sulfate, calcium, magnesium, etc.. one per day
- Soft stretching of my neck, my c5c6 articulation seems to regain movement again
- 30 min per day walking
- cleaning scar with betadine one per day
- In one month we will see with Doctor (ray-X) if the cp-ESP is still aligned, my vertebraes were flatted during my former artrodesis and I am afraid that could move sooner or later

I think that part of my problems were caused by the ostheophytes generated on my c5c6 backside through the intersomatic fixation cage, that compressed my damaged nerve again. Now I do not feel that pain but I am not sure if ADR and one month NAIDs will help to prevent HO/osteophytes to come back again.. I hope so, otherwise I will be in the same problem in a future!
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