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Old 01-02-2005, 09:17 PM
andromeda1111 andromeda1111 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 313

Okay, obviously I know not what I need to do to pay for the surgery, and hear the terms Euros. and International creditors mentioned, and to top it off I have Dyscalculia (look it up on the net) basically a learning disibility in relation to numbers and how to utilize them, I need help in how to transfer US dollars into Euros? where do I do this? I wired some money for my second opinion to Zeegers but they never got it and my credit union did not understand how to wire the money to begin with, (they are morons) they kept asking for a route number. I gave them all the information possible that was provided to me by alpha klinik... so what happens...they lose my money, I certainly do not want to go through that again.

Charite @ L5,S1. W/Zeegers
March 11, 05. Successful.
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