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Old 05-26-2006, 06:18 PM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,121

WC Nurse Case Manager called me, asked if my PTP was going to write "admissable letter" to back up the surgeon's plan from the Spine Center...

Nope, he's asking for a discogram as he's still my PTP..

She said she thought it would be denied..

I asked if I could then get an ESI with my PM..
She said that would be something the Claims Adjuster would decide..

Sounds like I'm heading toward however things are settled out, tho she did say she thought my PTP (my OSS) would have my best interests in mind and be able to write up a good plan that would cover my needs now and for the future.

I was thinking the same thing since he's seen me longer than anyone else and seems to be the only person that's determined to find out if L3 is a pain generator since there is a tear and a bulge there..

Like I used to ask my father while we were driving along.. Are we *there* yet??
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