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Old 01-26-2012, 08:15 PM
christinlal christinlal is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 103
Default Hi John,

opinions on ProdiscC vs M6

I have a Prodisc C at C6/7 that was done in 09/2009 here in Tampa, FL. It is misaligned and too small. I had more issues at the C5/6 level but it was not addressed.....after 2 years (of misery) I underwent surgery with Dr/Mr Boeree and I thank God every single day I have an M6 at the second level. The alignment is perfect, and the mechanics of this adr closely emulate a real disc vs. the prodisc.

The large keels of the Prodisc C may cause problems - and I know if I had it to do over, I would have only M6;S. I also would never put more than one prodisc in as I was informed by Mr. Boeree that it could cause the spine to split. I am not trying to frighten you, but let you know what I have uncovered and lived thru.
I wish you safety and a pain free future,
12/2008 early am gym class-something very wrong
2/2009 DDD 4 herniated cervical discs
3/3009-8/2009 8 spinal epidurals, pt
09/2009 C6/7 Prodisc C ADR
11/2010 facet joint inj 12/2010 Rhizotomy TBI Dr. Cottingham months of relief
05/2011 facet Joint Inj 06/2011 Rhizotomy
7/2011 Dr. Zigler TBI, facet block and Discogram
11/18 surgery with Dr/Mr. Boeree..Thank God.
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