Thread: Prayers needed!
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Old 04-26-2013, 07:38 PM
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Lillyth Lillyth is offline
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For the sake of dancing around gender, I shall from here on out refer to our Fellow Board Member as FBM.

I called over to Spain a few days ago and spoke to FBM. FBM was very out of it, and couldn't even tell me how many surgeries had been done so far! (FBM's spouse says four as of when I called).

Only few of you on here have met me, and a few others have spoken to me on the phone. I am pretty much the way I look on the board when I post. Super happy, energetic (even when I am exhausted), and in good cheer and laughing most of the time. FBM is the same way.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much it broke my heart when FBM picked up the phone. On the other end was practically a zombie. FBM didn't even recognize my voice when I called (we have been talking a few times a week since we first met when we had dinner at my place, and have been exchanging nearly daily emails since we met - FBM even called ME while I was in Spain to see how I was doing!). FBM's spouse had to tell FBM who I was!

I don't think I have ever been so depressed or worried about ANYONE in my whole life. Sure, I've had family members with illnesses and surgeries before, but all routine. I actually went outside and attacked my garden because I felt like I needed to be outside in nature, working on helping something grow after our conversation. I have never felt more helpless in my life. I have never had that reaction to anything.

It sounded like all the surgeries are being considered "revisions", but I am not sure. I hope so for the sake of their pocket book.

We left the conversation with FBM that FMB would call me when FBM was feeling up to talking and wan't so out of it anymore (meaning BETTER). It was agreed the spouse would send me emails every once in a while with brief updates.

On the bright side, though the lumbar still isn't figured out, the cervical (FBM did almost as many levels as me), which was the chief complaint when FBM went in for surgery is no pain free, so at least on that front, things are good. The downside is that FBM is in far more pain than before any of the surgeries.

So, in short, until I hear FBM is on the mend and feeling WAY better, PLEASE keep praying, sending energy, whatever it is you do. And, for those of you who go to church, please ask your pastor to lead the congregation in a special prayer for FBM, every week, until FBM is up and walking again.

On a side note, Clavel literally translates into "Carnation", which in Christian (especially Catholic - which FBM is) tradition symbolizes God's hands made flesh, so I have been working that into my prayers and encouraging others to do so. And remember, this is coming from a card-carrying Athiest!

So please, please, please, please, PLEASE everyone, KEEP THE PRAYERS COMING!!! Remember that even if you do not believe in God (as I don't), prayer has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN in a double blind study to have an effect on patient's healing.

I will keep you all updated as I hear more.

Thanks a million guys!
Multiple traumas to spine starting age 13.
1st American to have 6 ADR's in one surgery. C3-4 - C/7, & L5-S1 - L3-4.
Surgery w/ Dr. Clavel, 3/18/13, M6.
Before surgery: severe spinal stenosis C5/C6 (cord "flattened" per stateside doc), + for Hoffman's & Babinsky's.
At time of surgery: 5 yrs MAX before ending up in wheelchair.
Clavel found L5-S1 partially fused. Had to cut it apart to put in M6.
Please excuse brevity - SEVERE carpel tunnel.
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