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Old 04-22-2005, 11:52 PM
Linda Linda is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 570


I read an article recently in Readers Digest (March 2005), "End Your Back Pain." There was an interesting theory posed and I would like to research this a little. I asked Dr. Guyer today about his opinion and he believes there could be a link. I would be curious how many on this forum came from a dysfunctional family, suffered anxiety over a parents' divorce, lived with an alcoholic parent, were sexually, physically or emotionally abused as a child, or have suffered from any kind of severe emotional trauma? I don't want to get personal, but a simple yes or no would be great if any of those situations apply in your case. I am a definite yes, so I find this theory fascinating. I have had numerous doctors say they can look at an MRI of 2 different individuals and the MRI look identically bad in both cases, but one suffers tremendous pain and the other is totally asymptomatic and never develops symptoms. I am wondering if the pain receptors in the brain work different in people that have had some type of emotional trauma in their lives. Thanks if you can help. I may write a paper on this subject.


10-02 - ProDiscs L4/5 and L5/S1 - FDA study - disks placed incorrectly which
caused problem at L3/4 and L2/3
01-05 - ProDiscs at C5/6 and C6/7 in Germany - seems to be working fine so far
Bedbound from 09-06 until 10-08 due to severe pain and weakness
09-08 - Had Fibrin sealant done at L3/4 and L2/3 After 6 weeks - much success!
Hoping and praying that the lumbar revision surgery that was scheduled with Dr. Regan
can be indefinitely postponed
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