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Old 08-11-2007, 02:25 AM
tmont tmont is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 442

Hi TamiJ,

For what it's worth, I agree with Terry. I had the same symptoms prior to (and post) nucleotomy and my NS said the trajectory indicated C5-C6 (confirmed osteophyte at that level with MRI).

I also had a hernia pushing on the spinal cord. I elected to have a percutaneous nucleotomy which removed the neck pain but my theory is that the removal of disc material caused the osteophyte to push on the nerve endings even more.

For six months I was miserable with the symptoms you describe; then strangely with PT they started to subside. Today I know I have a large osteophyte and practically no room for me ol' nerve endings and the MRI looks like a train wreck , yet I am currently asymptomatic and off all meds and active.

Don't know what to tell you, except that I will need surgery one day but for the moment I'm holding steady and as long as I am, I'm not in the mood for a third spine surgery. My advice would be to really give non-invasive methods a go and get as many opinions as possible before surgery, but when it's got to be done, best to do it before the nerve damage becomes lasting.

Good luck...

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