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Old 10-07-2005, 08:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Dale, agreed.

What also needs to be appreciated (wrt to comments earlier in this thread, and others) is that any US health insurance company that pays for any sort of ADR procedure performed in Europe (no matter the vastly reduced cost) has limited their own credibility to deny a similar claim filed by any patient claiming a similar case performed in the US (at a vastly inflated rate). If they pay for mine at 30,000 Euros, how can they deny yours at 85,000 Dollars?

Frankly, the capitalist and political natures of this situation suck. It will be a fine day in America when a spiney can expect to receive the specific and timely care s/he needs, based on his/her medical necessity and availabilty of care, rather than how much it will cost whom, or who will be liable if it doesn't suit Pollyanna's ideal. IMO, malpractice insurance is killing us here.

I'm lucky to have great health insurance (BCBS FEP), but I am not ignorant as to why I should be grateful,

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