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Old 08-23-2013, 12:40 AM
Stonewall_Boris Stonewall_Boris is offline
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Default hi cdw321

Yes, by the time I started prolotherapy I had xrays, a CT and MRI scans. They had noted DDD in my cervical, thoracic and lumber spine. The worst area was l4-l5. I also live with a pinched ulnar nerve that makes my little fingers on my left hand numb. A neurologist did tests to confirm nerve damage.
The one thing my GP did that was really good was to give me a copy of EVERY document in his files on me. That means I have the reports of every specialist, radiologist etc in my files. So when I started with the prolotherapist he had good info on me. The only thing he insisted on was to actually see my back x-rays, as I recall he needed it to verify that I don't have missing vertebra???
I have to give you some info on a typical session. He would have me rate my pain on a scale of ten. Then he had me fill in a pain chart, a picture of the body from all angles, I had to draw in the areas of pain and the TYPE of pain. He'd come back in the room looked over the info and started the treatment. I was needled from my buttocks to just above my shoulder blades. The needling was not asymmetric. Sometimes more on on the right sometimes more on the left. And, I would say, that with the exception of my shoulder blades they were close to the spine. My spasms were more like ongoing, sometimes there was a sharp pain but mostly it was a burning sensation up my back, most notable in the middle and upper back. You couldn't touch in that area without me jumping. In a 'flare up' I had trouble putting on a shirt. If that tag on the back of the collar was still there it felt like a razor blade. My wife went to the same doctor for her neck pain and had injections in her neck.
I would not say that prolotherapy is a treatment for muscle spasms, tppati is correct on his post.
For those who have had prolo what was your doctors technique. My doc would have me lay flat on a table face down as I had back pain. He'd 'poke' at me until I kind of reacted, when I did he'd mark the spot with a marker. When he had my back marked he'd load up his syringe with the solution and injected me at the spots he marked.

Just ask if you want more info.
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