Thread: New member
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Old 07-20-2009, 08:08 AM
Discinterested Discinterested is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 20
Default New member

Hi everybody and greetings from uk!

I am 42 years old, married with 4 young children
Suffered low back pain for about 4 years
(Times up... hang on a minute, let me just climb off this chair, kneel on the floor and put my armpits on the edge of the desk...)

Recently contacted someone called David who left a testimonial on the internet regarding ADR surgery, as his prior condition and mindset seemed very similar to mine. Kindly replied and gave me lots of fantastic information, the best being this forum. Have done lots of reading around here (especially Davids amazing story) over the last few days and quickly came to the conclusion that ADR is most definitely a team effort, and completely understand why he referred me here. In case he has not posted in a while, I am pleased to report that he says he could not be happier with his decision to get ADR surgery (I'm sure he won't mind). Not that he made any recommendations to me other than to research and make my own decisions.

(Ok, time to sit on the floor... chin on desk...)

Believe it or not I consider my average pain to be about level 1. I have had the unique opportunity, being self employed (part-time) to be able to limit my work and activities according to how my life-and-fun-sucking-leech friend attached to my lumbar spine dictates. So, as I generally am able to manage my pain very well by resting(!) when I need to, I consider my problem to be one of mobility rather than pain oriented. It would of course be vice-versa if I was forced to maintain a full time job.

Loved surfing, swimming and keeping fit etc. and am very seriously considering ADR as the positives 'can' be so so promising. I welcome a good pounding from you regarding this as I want to make the most informed decision about this and develop the correct mentality for facing the unknowns of surgery if and when it should come to it. Doctor said I should try and take up swimming again, so I did a few lengths (used to do a mile), left the pool, sat in the car, wait a minute ...ah yes I remember!

Recently applied for a treatment case evaluation from a spinal surgeon who does lots of ADRs and other conservative treatments. Figured there would be little use researching ADR if it turned out to be a poor choice of treatment for my condition. As I reported low pain levels I did not expect to be taken too seriously, but his best surgical recommendation was ADR at two levels, based on the nature of my pain and limitations of mobility.

I am a little anxious about my prospects and look forward to all/any advice.


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