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Old 07-13-2013, 04:15 PM
Stonewall_Boris Stonewall_Boris is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 547

Hi Dema,

I asked my wife to respond.

From Stonewall's spouse with similar symtoms in the past: I'm 50ish and when I was 16 I was in a car accident. I broke the side window with my head and ended up in the backseat of the car. My neck and upper back were sore for a couple of months but eventually the pain subsided. I've had 3 whiplash experiences, approximately 20 years ago, 15 years ago and 12 years ago. When I went for prolotherapy about 7 years ago, I was in constant pain and was willing to give anything a try. My symtoms seemed similar to yours. I had aching at the base of the skull, lateral to my ears. I had pain in my traps and scapula. I had constant pain in my spine
from the base of my neck to the between the shoulder blades. When I moved my neck, it felt like there was gravel in the painful areas. I had very little mobility in that area, and I would generally move my body rather than turn my neck. I had xrays and was told that everything seemed relatively normal. I started taking a lot of painkillers to find relief, but when they wore off, the pain was still there.

Treatments: Prolotherapy- approximately 15 sessions (The Dr. moved out of Province, I would have continued if he didn't) Massage - Started almost weekly, now once a month Needling - At the pain clinic (4 weekly sessions when I begin to have pain again) Laser therapy - Went for about 10 sessions (could have helped) Physiotherapy - I do not recommend mechanical traction. I quit going after one session when it stretched my neck too much and I was in more pain than before. Acupuncture - Had little or no pain relief. (like putting a bandaide on a gaping wound) Chiropratic - I found adjustments to my neck too tramatic

Now I'm about 85% better. I attribute this positive change to a combination of the above treatments, stretching, Yoga, and being conscious of my posture. I haven't been to the pain clinic for about 6 months. I have a wonderful massage therapist that is well versed in anatomy and trigger point massage. It took me a long time to
find the right massage therapist. I have had my neck stretched by a previous massage therapist that caused even more pain for days.
My doctor prescribed a muscle relaxent, (Cyclobenzaprene) which really helped. Currently, I rarely take any medication.
I hope this helps you. Don't give up until you find what works for you.
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