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Old 11-04-2010, 05:46 PM
Jarrod Jarrod is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 64
Default Jarrod with broken neck!!!!!

Hello to everyone,

Hi I am a 35 year old male with 4 cervical herniations c4 - t1. My story gaes as follows.

On september 15, 2010 I was in the gym doing military db press when i felt a really bad pain in the middle of my back and immidately felt my neck crouch down and i couldnt lift it up at all. It was so bad my girlfriend had to drive me home. So i get home and have to get ready for work, ( work at night) and have to endure the pain for the entire night. This pain goes on for about 4 days and finally gives way to a numb left arm , hand and and fingers and it was driving me mad no relief.

Fast forward three weeks and still in extreme pain so i decide to go see a sports doctor in my area. He tells me it most likely a hernitated disc and gives me predisone tablets to help with inflammation. Thank god for those tabs they took my pain down to a 5 whereas it was a 9 or 10. Then he tells me that most herniations reabsorb 90% of the time and to come see him in 3 weeks.

I still didnt feel right so i took it upon myself to go and get an MRI and within the next morning after i was woke up at 8 am by the dic who did the scan and he said "Jarrod u are in real danger and need to go and see a neurosurgeon asap u have multiple herniations in yor neck c4 - t1. He said two of them are creating severe canal stenosis.

Since then I've seen a neurosurgeon and my pain is down to a 2 and my numbness is down too, although it is still present in my pinky, ring and middle fingers and my dexterity in my left hand is failing to a moderate degree. Ive been researching since my neurosurgeon said that he could go in and cage me up with a fusion and i'd be back to normal within 3 or 4 months. I said WHOA!!!!

So I started researching fusion and the the effects and the success it has and low and behold it is a straight crap shoot on it's success and even worse its after effects on the adjacent discs by it. Not a promising outcome. So i saw this forum on line and have been reading it faithfully and looking for alternatives to fusion and I must say thank everyone for posting and taking the time to tell ur stories it has saved me from making a huge mistake.

So as it stands now I have picked India to send my images to and Dr. Rajakumar to help diagnose my condition and see if ADR is maybe a possibilty for me.

I have to note that I have been a bodybuilder for 15 years and never had any back or neck problems until this injury and i was totally floored to know that c5/c6 and c6/c7 have been hernitated fopr a couple years and i had been training non stop without even knowing about it. The pain i felt when c7/t1 herniated was the worst pain i have ever felt in my entire life, and my condolences go out to everyone who has endured this breifly or chornicaly i wish everyone a speedy recovery. God Bless.

P.S. I will keep the board posted on my progress and what the doctor has to say, again thank everyone of u on this board.
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