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Old 06-09-2008, 07:47 PM
Twiz77 Twiz77 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 76

This is most interesting- I need to read more about this - especially since over the years I have had "odd" neurological and pain events - when I did not have a herniated disk and little to no DDD. Now - I do have a herniated disk that is abutting (well- probably compressing to some degree the cord - will know more next week).

I understand stress plays a big role with these "pathogens" to increase the inflammation -my body has "fallen" apart after several major stressful events in my life. I dont want to bore you with my story - but - if gives you an idea why the drs are a bit puzzled:

pain/numbness in my left hand back in 1989 in college (not that this should be stressful) - to the point where I could not use it for a full semester(I am left handed - a problem). Then out of the blue - it cleared up - and it was really challenged in post grad school (which was stressful) - but no problems -thankfully.

In 2002 - just few years after my Mom died and some other very stressful issues at the time- I had 5 mos of a horrible body break down episode - both hands - very numb, severe neck and shoulder pain, facial numbness, and lower back pain, sciatica - with numbness into my left leg - and my left toe would go numb (which I have having again now). All MRIs and emgs wre normal (except for a problem with the left tricep which could explain the left hand problem in 1989. Drs - thought it was carpel tunnel and stress. Finally- the body rebounded - (I think I was on alot of antibiotics at the end of that year due to recurring sinus infection). Felt great - and went back on to life with occasional numbness in the hands - which a good massage would take care of for the shoulders. Many sinus infections and alot of antibiotcis.

Ffast forward to 2005. Just a week after losing my Dad - (again another major stress event) - the body fell apart. Numbness in the face all over the body (including that left big toe....again), chest pain, and pain - in many places, that left toe went numb too, etc. I regret that they did not do an MRI on my neck (which I wanted) but they were worried it was either my heart (I had chest pains) or a brain tumor - MRI on brain was clear - so were heart exams. Body rebounded felt great. Would have neck pain and stiffness - treated by the chiro- and

fast forward to Aug 2007. Alot of stress going on - at the office, and in personal life. Body breakdown again. This time severe numbness - everywhere - mostly on the left side - gait issues, leg pain (left toe would go numb) also the soles of my feet, pain like I have never suffered before, could not use neck very well, facial numbness, jaw pain, etc. MRI on the neck - showed DDD at C5-6 - protruding and abutting the cord right central - mild stenosis. (Some drs did not feel there was any abuttment). Lumbar - small tear at L4-5, throastic - normal. Brain MRI normal. EMG/nerve conduction tests- normal. I went full guns for testing this time! Finally - after 4 mos of intense pain and numbness (mostly on the left side), horrible traction which made the pain worse, PT, accupuncture, and alot of celebrex - the body rebounded again. One dr thought I had fibro....I did not have the range of motion on my neck I used to have - but my body was "calm" and not on high alert/traffic mode. I also was back on antibiotics late last fall....Not sure if that is the link to rebounding...

I know that I now have a spine issue - that if not treated will get worse and lead to more spine damage -which I do not want to get to. But - I went to some of our "top drs" here in Florida last fall searching for answers - and they were mystified at my symptoms. No surgery was recommended last fall. I dont believe I have MS - the MRIs were clean (while I knowthat is not the complete answer for diagnosis - but a good indication from what I have been told). But - it does beg the question - if I had no stenosis in 2002 and 2005 - then why did I have those strange numbness/pain episodes? I was just told last week by a local neurologist that I have an unexplained neurological syndrome. That is not good enough answer! So - perhaps I have 2 issues going on - one with the spine -and this other type of immune issue which may have led to the spine deterioration....

And again - a few stressful episodes of late - and a minor jerk of the neck (I forgot all about my structural instability - I was feeling that great) - and bam - the wave of pain, numbness - and yes - the big toe on the left foot are all back. Back on celebrex, PT, and new cervical MRI....I suspect that there has been a slight deterioraton in the disk....

Off to get a bunch of blood tests I think is the next approach while poundering what to do to correct my current situation. I pray I can hold off on surgery - as I know they are developing some wonderful new technologies but will have to see..

Sorry to bore you with all of this! But reading about those immune issues - I had to share.
Aug 2007 - diagnosed with DDD at C5-6 - herniated disk with mild stenosis at right/central of cord - but pain/occasional numbness mostly on the left side - and down into the leg/foot - which has puzzled doctors - even had a lumbar puncture - but thankfully all clear!
May 2008- after many months of no symptoms and issues- flare up- and new MRI shows moderate stenosis.
L4-5 small annular tear with some DD
Big fan of massages and acupuncture to help with muscle tightness/pain.
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