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Old 10-20-2008, 01:15 AM
builder5840 builder5840 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 67
Default Re:Surgery?


I'm still new here and like you trying to figure it all out. As for whether or not Surgery? only you can make that final choice. For me the decision to have surgery came only after I had exhausted all other forms of relief and posible help. The pain became so intense that I could think of nothing else and decided that I had to do the surgery. I'll be having it done the first part of next year. I'm not sure about your insurance but many are coming around to doing a single level surgery, with FDA approved devices but you'll have to research this with your insurance which can take a while and much persiverance becuase they are not always upfront about what they will cover.
I would be doing a lot of research on ADR and Osteoarthritis, my Neurosurgeon went to Europe to have an ADR put in his neck several years ago becuase he was having neck pain with arthritis in his neck also (i'm not sure which type of arthritis) but he told me that the ADR worked great for the first 4-5 years but is now giving him trouble he believes that the arthritis has cuaght up to him. Somthing to think about and somthing to research whether ADR or Fusion? which is better with arthritis? Most of my pain is in my neck with no sign of arthritis so I've opted for a two level ADR but i'm going over seas to get it. Good luck with which ever way you decide

Fall off Ladder 05
Disc C5,6,7 buldging DDD lots of pain
planning surgery march 09 two level Discover disc
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