Thread: New Here.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:48 PM
Corry Corry is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 36

I'd say Welcome but maybe it wouldn't mean much since I just got on here too Either way I suppose, welcome

Can't believe the accidents you have posted. I agree with the second statement, can't anyone drive anymore? I ride a motorcycle, and in the past year or so, the stupidity level on the road has increased at least 10 fold. I now get nearly hit 1x week (when the back lets me ride that is) More recently, driving my car, had the same situation that always comes up on the motorcycle??? I just don't get it. Sorry to hear it has led to you having this back pain. I know it sucks (first hand ) I know that no one that I know who has not had back pain just doesn't get it, and its frustrating not having people to talk about it with. Thats why this place is great

Hope the hoops for the insurnce, etc arent too bad and you can be pain free soon enough. (I hope the same for me, and everyone in this situation on the forums )
Late 2001-2002 Original Injury - Moved Buick V-6 engine bare handed. L5-S1 Herniated
Vioxx and Cortisone injections to treat it
2007 Wanted to become more active, went to Virginia Spine Institute w/ new MRI. L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 Herniated. Sc
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