Thread: New Here...
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Old 07-09-2012, 10:56 PM
ally ally is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 17

Thank you for your comments, very helpful.

As for that any Dr. having time to read your entire file i agree that may be asking alot depending on how big it is. I had not picked up my copy of the what the Dr. wrote on my diso-gram till after I saw him, but when i took , what 2-3 minutes to read it , it plainly said disc. L4L5 no pain, so that is what I was mostly upset about, well and of course his not wanting to talk to my sister sitting right beside me. I always take her when i can if it is for something this important, she knows alot more questions to ask that I.

My MRI apparently did not show much at all, so this is why they sent me for a disco-gram. He basically told me nothing can be done go home and try to live your life LOL, I understand that fusion is not an option in my case because there is a good disc in-between the two bad ones, but when I mentioned that I was interested in a disc replacement all I got from both Dr.s I have seen so far is , they dont recommend them. So i just didnt say anymore to them about it as they were negitive. Oh well differant Dr. differant day lol......
Diagnosed with DDD on my L3/L4 and L5/S1
Have not had a second opion yet but will do that when i get all my results officially. Tried PT and also shots with no relief.
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