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Old 04-28-2009, 08:39 PM
poonav poonav is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 13
Default <3 weeks symptoms so far but worsening motor weakness - what are my options?

Thanks so much every1 who has contributed to the wealth of information here on this forum. I have been on this website for last 8 hours.
I am a new victim of disc herniation, 35 yr old male, 2.5 weeks h/o neck pain with rt arm pain, with weakness at Rt wrist extensors (4-/5) and biceps(4/5), MRI - C5-6 Right parasaggital disc herniation, protrusion type, extending into neural foramina. Pain is adequately controlled with meds at this time, but weakness worsened from initial power of 4+/5 at the said muscles. How much more can I wait to continue trying conservatively at this time? This is the first time I developed this, no prior history of disc disease. other cervical discs appear fine, no DDD reported on MRI.
I am scared, confused and sad after having learnt many of the pros and cons of every approach and the experiences of many with good and others with no so good outcomes.
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