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Old 09-20-2008, 03:13 AM
dylan dylan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 82


for me a fusion would have been the last resort

I discussed a different method - that had similarities to cell regeneration with Dr. regan. It was called nucore. It is an injectable hydrogel which has sealing properties and takes place of the nucleus.

Nucore sounded great, but it did not address the problem of reduced height in my L5-S1. The reduced height was causing the nerve impingement and was my main complaint.

One great things about dascor is that it is a balloon. It is inflated with liquid polyurethane under pressure with sensors in the pump to give it the exact tolerance. After 15 minutes it hardens to the softness of a pink erasor. This gave me just the right height, so I did not have problems like complex regional pain syndrome like some of my adr counterparts
(I was lucky enough to have enough disc left for dascor otherwise I would have gotten adr.)

Had cell regeneration or nucore been around before my disc had collapsed, I would have most likely gotten it. But one of the most important things I have found is that the treatment must be appropriate for the disease. I know people that have done well with simple
discectomy's (in a case of disc material calcifying on the nerves), and that have done well with a fusion (broken facet joints).

Luck is preparation meets opportunity.
The rule of thumb before getting any procedure is is to know beforehand exactly what is causing the dysfunction, get in shape before the procedure because it will increase the chances of success, and what your options will be should the procedure not work (i.e. had I gotten a discectomy, I would not have been able to get dascor, fusion, no adr etc).

I would not worry too much about the MDA - there is so friggen much of it in or everyday life, you probably got the same dose sucking off of your baby bottle.
dascor l5-s1, 2-15-07
back to work full time
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