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Old 12-10-2022, 03:04 PM
Suzanne1234 Suzanne1234 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 29

Thanks so much for your response. Not sure if you remember me, but I am the one who did c3c6 fusion despite no pain, no headaches, no symptoms whatsoever. After 28 yrs of torture with a serious and hellish autoimmune disease, some people began reporting remission after addressing instabiity in the cervical spine. I was an idiot. Those who benefitted had pain; I did not. In my utter desperation (I had been suicidal for many years), I just had it done, come what may. I did not get better and now am doing very poorly indeed, with new pain spreading down my addition to my other illness. I consulted with 5 doctors. 3 said to do nothing. 1 said to fuse. another said to fuse the entire neck. I do not know how some of these doctors have kept their licenses.

Anyway, I am worse off and even more despondent now. My thought is to get better from the autoimmune disease (which I am doing now), bring down the inflammation, and then address my cervical spine, which is now ruined. But how?

C6-C7 is going. Thanks to my illness, I am the worse candidate for anything. Bone density is bad too. But the fusion reminds me daily of what an idiot I am. I don't know what I am supposed to do.

Sorry to ramble....
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