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Old 10-03-2011, 02:10 PM
nanfromsactown nanfromsactown is offline
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Default Needs after surgery?

Bumping my original post up to ask another couple questions:

What equipment will I need after surgery, when I get home? Will I need a raised toilet seat? Handrails in the bath tub? Other items which might bring any comfort?

Is the recovery from ADR much like a fusion recovery in terms of pain after surgery? I know that may be a hard question for anyone to answer because most people haven't had both surgeries.

I am getting anxious. Dr. Zeegers initial review of my new xrays shows suspicion of hemisacrilization on the right. This is new and just makes me want to get to Germany faster to stop the deterioration. I don't want this to mean I have to be fused at that level (L5S1) but I also know that fusion is not necessarily the enemy! I'd prefer to have my disk height restored with ADR. I also have another new finding, what he is calling "micro-instability" at L45. I've been able to brag for years that I don't have instability, so I guess that ship has now sailed! fair warning to others, don't let it go too far before you get fixed!

Thanks to anyone who can calm my fears/anxiety and support me through this process of WAITING. I hate it.
3/96 injury, bending over to pick up book and felt a snap.
MRI's show DDD at L45 and L5S1, disc bulge at both levels.
Discogram and CT 1999: posterior annular tears at both levels.
TREATMENT: IDET, ESI's, Radiofrequency, Chiropractic, Pain Management, PT.
No work since 1999.
ADR Surgery at BetaKlinik, Bonn, Germany 11/30/11-Activ-L at L45,STALIF at L5S1--recovery good so far!
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