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Old 08-23-2019, 11:08 AM
JackBauer JackBauer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 92

1) Three degrees of freedom (versus 6 with LP-ESP)
2) Made of cobalt-chrome end plates instead of titanium
3) Keel design may help keep in place initially, but I would prefer not to have A-P slices made in my vertebrae. (Especially since I need two levels and would therefore have a keep cut on both sides of my L5 vertebrae)
4) Wear rates (debris ejected)... (Although the ESP and other elastomer discs will leach out some plastic chemicals over time and it is a legitimate concern in my opinion - but we already digest so much plastics that get into our food supply so not sure it's worth obsessing over.)

As far as the major ADR surgeons in Europe - most have implanted the ProDisc I imagine at one time or another. But they've moved on.

Just one example.
L4-L5 Broad Diffuse Bulge, mildly contacting left L5 nerve root
L5-S1 Broad Central Disc Protrusion mildly impinging left S1 nerve root
"Mild scoliosis of lumbar spine".
Four central disc protrusions in thoracic spine.

C5-C6, C6-C7 bulging, bone spurs. Imaging not looking good. Successful CP-ESP's placed in Oct 2019 by Dr. Desai.

Delayed lumbar surgery to work on bone density. Considering options now, some but minimal bone density improvement. Will only use LP-ESP.
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