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Old 09-11-2010, 02:00 AM
Zymergist Zymergist is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 16


I am at the begining of investigating things myself so I dont know if this idea would be viable at all, but would one of the less invasive sugical centers be able to buy you some more time by doing a bit of cleaning?

I have my second apt with the (first....) neurosurgeon on mon, but he indicated he thinks fusion is the way to go. I will not agree to that option untill I am walked through ALL the reasons nothing else would work. I am looking at the laser spine center with the idea of a lower impact clean up buying me 10-20 yrs being worth it even out of pocket.

Dont know if this is an option, but Good Luck!
Congenital fusion C5-6
"Notable" herniation C6-7 with bone spurs - Fused 3/3/2011
Degeneration at C7-T1, non symptomatic yet...
Mild herniations C3-4 and C4-5

Numbness R-Hand - Gone withing 48 hrs of surgury
"Hot-Wire" pain R-Shoulder through elbow and hand - still controlled with Nurontin, expected gone in a few weeks.
intermittent tingling and electrical jolts R-Arm - Gone after surgery
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