Thread: Another newbie
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Old 04-29-2011, 11:20 AM
Terese64 Terese64 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 43

Hi Tumblebug,
When I had my two-level Prodisc-C ADR two years ago, I was told not to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for almost two months. The only exercise allowed was walking and I had to slowly increase each week over an eight week timespan. I had a hard time swallowing and always felt like I was choking and didn't eat for almost a month (but at least I lost 20 lbs!)

Unfortunatly for me, the surgery just caused more pain and I'm scheculed to have the ADR's removed and then a three-level fusion done in two weeks, which I might be cancelling due to being so scared!

I wish you all the best,
01/31/08: MVA
03/17/09: ADR PRODISC @ C5-C6 & C6-C7
12/29/10: INFIX cage fusion@ L4-L5 & L5-S1 using anterior retroperitoneal approach, curettage and bone grafting left iliac crest, and placement of Transfacet Pedicale Screws
05/12/11: Explantation of failed Prodisc ADR @ C5-6, C6-7. Autograft and Allograft Fusion of C4-5, C5-6, & C6-7 with plating from C4 - C7.
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