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Old 03-06-2009, 08:18 AM
Rein Rein is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 265

In the words of the immortal anti-hero, Homer Simpson, “D’oh!”. Much as it pains me to admit this (after having spent innumerable hours crafting what I had hoped was a well thought out, well researched, well written piece), in rereading my original post (for the umpteenth time) I realize I made some positively unforgivable errors. For this I humbly apologize to the entire membership.

I know I committed those errors because I forgot my own first rule of writing—Never Submit A Piece Before Letting It Rest Overnight (Dummy!). Usually, the following morning, I read a piece one final time with a clear head and one goal in mind—to eliminate every last mistake of spelling, punctuation, grammar and initial over-editing. So, in the interests of clear-headed correctness (yes, I’m an alliteration junky), here goes: There’s a period missing at the end of the first sentence. The sentence about orthopedic surgeons should have read, “...are the single most highly-paid medical specialty...”. A section of the third from the last sentence should have read “’ll be a more informed individual...”.

Can the membership ever forgive me?
03/09/26 - Ruptured L5-S1.

Years of pain, discectomy, research into anatomy, hardware, clinical trials, facilities, surgeons, techniques, insurance. Attempts at ProDisc, Activ-L trials. Now, low bone density. D'oh!!!

At 61 years, no longer qualifying for trials due to my age (chronological, not physical or mental).

2009 - Working on improving bone density or getting rich so I can go to Germany, where medicine and insurance have gone beyond the Stone Age.