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Old 06-16-2006, 07:57 PM
Dale S Dale S is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 236

We're missing the boat on this one. Ins. co deny coverage because to date, no study has been done showing superior results, only equivelancy, to fusion, as required for FDA approval. We can shout from the rooftops but until 'something' demonstrates any improvement over fusion... and until the price of the implants themselves are reduced by the equally greedy distributors, ins co's are choosing the lesser of two evils, and an equivilant procedure.

As I've said before, a study needs to be done to prove superiority of adr's over fusion. I've also heard that ins co don't like to cover anything for the first 5 years????

So include the manufacturers in your letter writing campaign to conduct such a study.

Good luck to all, Dale
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