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Old 11-28-2018, 11:02 PM
leipan71 leipan71 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 38
Default ADR with Dr Guyer

Thanks so much for the advice. I wonder whether you paid in advance for the entire surgery in one payment before the surgery ? The way I was told sounds like I need to pay in advance the entire amount.

I have no idea whether Dr. Blumenthal is more expensive or not. I visited Dr Guyer for the first time only one week ago and I am still trying to process the idea of having an ADR surgery soon. He is the first surgeon I have ever visited. Does Dr Blumenthal do more ADR than Dr. Guyer? How can one tell that which one is better? (sorry, I am so new in this area.) Mine is a two level, maybe the actual number of cases the doctor has done counts? If yes, where can you find the info?
started to have back pain at age of 18
DDD at L5-S1 at age of 23 in 1993
bulding discs and disc tear at L4-L5 and L5-S1 in 2017
DiscSeel procedure at L3-S1 in Feb 2018 (no help)
considering ADR at L4-L5 and L5-S1
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