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Old 03-09-2015, 01:26 AM
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Cynlite Cynlite is offline
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No one knew what was causing my headaches either! I saw an ENT who told me the dizziness was not ear related. I had several thousand dollars worth of tests done at a balance center and they said it was not balance related. I was told I had Occipital Neuralgia by the first Neurologist but, the neurosurgeon who operated on me said I did not so, he never did surgery for it. I believe Occipital Neuralgia is usually at the C2-C3 level and my MRI is fine at that level.

My headaches were in the back of my head initially and behind my eyes mostly right sided. It then developed into a dizziness where I had to hold onto the walls to walk. After my first surgery at C5-C6 which included a cord decompression, my headaches were still there. The dizziness went away. Prior to the surgery, my right eye would twitch for short periods of time (longest was one day) and that went away as well. After the four neck surgeries, the headaches went away for a few years but, then came back. The headaches then expanded their scope to sometimes include migraines that made me light and sound sensitive and caused nausea. The headaches never affected my ears that I recall.

When they came back in December 2014, I can't tell you how incapacitating they were. I just had the second procedure so, for three months I have been really suffering with at times feeling like the pressure in my head would make it explode and I periodically got strange stabbing feelings in my eyeballs. Well, the procedures seemed to have worked again. I'm still healing from them but, I expect to be much better in a week. The drugs and the procedure always cause me to feel ill and give me horrible muscle spasms but, eventually that all heals and the damn headaches are gone. My neck still hurts but, at least I can think again. I hope this detail helps.

I recommend finding a rock star Pain Specialist to include in your team of doctors! I went through four Pain Specialists before finding the one who diagnosed and treated my headaches....thank God!
2006: epidural shots did nothing; 2 surgeons recommended 2 level fusion, I declined.
2007 - 2010 4 foraminotomy and cord decompression cervical surgeries and 2 endoscopic discectomy T7-T8 surgeries; total 6 with Dr. Jho (Pittsburgh,PA) My C6/C7 autofused around 2009.
2013 - 2015: epidurals 3 times (again did nothing) and 4 Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) procedures.
2016 more RFAs, hit the 10 year mark of this insanity and pain, 3 level M6-C ADR with Dr. Clavel May 19, 2016
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