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Old 08-20-2013, 11:15 AM
CDW321 CDW321 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 69
Default Thanks Stonewall & Harrison...

for getting back to me so quickly. I'll respond to both of you.

Stonewall - Well I'm a fellow Canadian and permanent U.S. resident since 1986. I know the problems of both the Canadian and US healthcare systems quite well. Generally the care and doctors here are great; just incredibly expensive. To date my anger is more about how "unresponsive" spine patients like ourselves get treated.
Please do get back to me. I'd love to hear about your surgery and how you are feeling. I'd also like to hear about prolotherapy as I'm not familiar with it.

Hi Harrison - Over the past 2 plus years, I have tried 4 rounds of PT, steroid shots (including an "epidural lysis for adhesions" to break up scar tissue), Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Bowen Therapy, McKenzie therapy, nearly every muscle relaxant, a hydraulic desk to sit/stand for work, Anti-Gravity chair. All these were of no help.
What has helped temporarily is: massage, myofascial release massage, my massage chair, trigger point injections with cortisone, ice, heat, stretching, moving around from standing to kneeling to laying NSAID painkillers and opiod painkillers. (Which I am now getting off of.)
For exercise I swim now. I tried several other low impact exercises (Elliptical at gym, walking, etc.) but they only aggravated my muscle spasms and LB pain. Unfortunately, the swimming does not help my pain but it is good for me. In my former life, I was an avid cyclist, walker and hiker. I loved racquet sports and gardening too. I take vitamins and am up and down with sticking to a good diet.
Healthy and athletic for 51+ years until:
Dog yanked on leash & low back went, can't sit, stand, walk W/O pain.
10 mos. PT, Shots, meds, alternative stuff; nothing
Microdiscectomy at L5S1 at HSS - failed
Lost successful business, went on disability; more "conservative" treatments
At 3 years fed up and deciding upon ADR or Fusion
Scared and uncertain
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