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Old 04-22-2005, 02:37 PM
sfmcfar sfmcfar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 61


In preparation for my expected denial by MAMSI for my Charite, I reviewed their own definition of "experimental and investigational." MAMSI states in their own plan that a drug, device, treatment, or procedure is considered experimental if:


1. It is not recognized, in accordance with generally accepted medical standards, as being safe and effective for your condition;
2. it requires approval by a governmental authority (including the FDA) before you can use it, but they have not granted that approval; or
3. it is the subject of a written protocol used by the treating facility for research, clinical trials, or other tests or studies to evaluate its safety, effectiveness, toxicity, or maximum tolerated dose.


Now, I'm no lawyer, but refuting 2) is obvious since it's been approved by the FDA. I think that 1) is easily refutable since the FDA themselves used the exact words "safe and effective" in their decision to approve. But what about 3)? I know that there's a 5 year followup study to determine Charite effectiveness. But it would also seem that 3) would eliminate approving (for example) Prozac, since I'm sure there's some long-term study out there comparing Prozac to some other antidepressant.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

L5-S1 DDD and herniation
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