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Old 03-03-2010, 05:47 AM
JEVE19 JEVE19 is offline
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Default orthodics have helped me

I noticed this topic hasn't been tapped in awhile, but I did want to add something that has helped me.

Two years ago, I started a retail job. I have a degenerated L5 and wasn't sure if I could even work. Besides my back hurting, my feet were killing me. They were so sore, that it hurt when my sweet hubby tried to rub them for me. I did some research online and noticed a nurse mentioned these supports called SOLE.

I went to their website and read. I figured what can it hurt to try it and ordered me a pair to try in my shoes. (I initially bought ECCO's that were $100 and thought it was funny that I was taking the inside's out to put a better support in).

I took this little test to see which support was best for my foot:

The Dean Karnazes Signature Edition is what I went with.

Well, since that time I have ordered a pair to put in all of my shoes.
I cannot tell you how much these helped my feet and my back.
I can't have a shoe without it now! I just can't recommend these enough.

My husband now won't go without them.
We live in of flip flops which I've never been able to wear.

After seeing how great the supports were, I tried their sandals.
My hubby and I now have SEVERAL pairs.

The thing that is most impressive is how long these supports last for.
I liked how firm mine were and never heated them as they discuss on the site.
They last for a very long time. I'm going on 3 years now at the retail store.
6 hours of walking and standing. I honestly don't think I could make it without
this product.

Since it worked so well for me, I wanted to share this product with the forum.
L5-S1 Lumbar M6 by Nick Boeree
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