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Old 11-22-2008, 09:29 AM
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trkdoc714 trkdoc714 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 137


I looked through my file last night since sleep wasn't going to happen. My original surgeon told me that, in his opinion, the arthropathy in both levels were the result of the loss in disc height and the pressure that causes on the facets below the DDD level.

I've sent basic information to DRs B and Z. Once I get my pictures copied, I'll send those as well. That's my project for next week.

On a technical side note; I used to work at my company's engineering center (we build trucks) and they're using computer aided design techniques to build trucks anticipating various load and service requirements. I wonder why someone hasn't developed a program to "record" a patient's movement via X-Rays, MRIs and CTs and enter them into a computer to show a surgeon exactly what's happening from a dynamics standpoint (which is where all of my surgeons have a foresight issue).

We took trucks on a 10-15,000 mile trip, recorded every bump, twist or vibration, fed the data into a computer and watched the impact on the real chassis on a test rack as well as on a "big screen". This has enabled trucks to be designed for longevity well beyond 1,000,000 miles.

Stepping off the soapbox now. I hope you continue to do well. Thanks for "listening".

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