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Old 04-04-2015, 09:23 AM
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Renee771 Renee771 is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 47
Default Surgery Scheduled Day Of Consult

Thank you very much for commenting, and caring.
I had an appointment with a neurosurgeon proficient in the Mobi-C implant. He took one look at MRI report and scheduled surgery that day. I had surgery this past Monday. Doing pretty good, thanks.
I didn't tell him about the bowl or bladder issues, because he was so concerned about paralysis, and he treated me such respect, kindness and caring that I forgot!! lol I haven't had a surgeon even SHOW me the MRI pictures, or let me ask questions, nothing. And, for him to have been as kind as he was. I felt so---I don't have an adjective for how I felt. I was in tears when I left his office--giddy as school girl while still in his exam room. I was so excited, and just amazed someone was being nice to me. I was on cloud 9 on the drive home. His entire staff was terrific.
Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by DrewDotNet View Post
Whoever you get an evaluation from, make sure they understand this. With these symptoms, you need to go straight to the front of the line.
Mild bilateral facet hypertrophy C2-C6 and with severe posterior osteophyte complex from C2-3/C5-6. Herniations at C3 to C5-6 with severe bilataral foramimal and canal stenosis at C4-5/C5-6 contacting cord. SURGEON REPORT: Moderate to severe cord compression C4-5/C5-6. Flattening cord at C4-5 Severe narrowing of the C5 nerve root. Cord is compressed, forced against lamina. C4-5/C5-6 worst. ADR suggested at C3-4, C4-5 and C5-6 Associated Diagnoses: Brachial Neuritis
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