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Old 03-02-2006, 03:12 PM
Mariaa Mariaa is offline
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It would also be interesting to be able to follow patient populations getting fusion to see the number that are back for more revision surgery and/or hardware removal, continuing Pain Managment treatment and so forth...

I've pretty much forgotten all the terminology for stastical studies but is that called a time continuance study or something like that when a segment of the population is followed throughout a span of time such as 20 years later...

When I read about fusions, it just seems like the majority I read about have continuing problems either because of non fusion at a level done (levels) or continued pain due to some factor ie nerve root scarring, SIJ problems, screws moving, adjacent level becoming problematic or some such thing.. and overall I would imagine that a great number of the fused population end up costing the insurance carrier a pretty penny with continued care ~

Of course I'm just reading about failed surgeries or surgeries with continuing problems that end up spine forums but I have to say that in the 8 years I've been reading at spine forums and waiting to make my next move with back surgery~ just in terms of persons posting here vs. persons I read about with fusions.. it just seems like I see a greater number of good outcomes than poor.. or improved outcomes.

I know that of course I've read about less ADR cases than fused cases so that probably makes a difference tho one thing I've not read about in fused patients over the years is the type of activities a good outcome fused paitient returns equaling what good outcome ADR patient returns to.. and I'm basically recalling younger population that were involved in similar activities..

So many things to consider with studies and what they show and represent and in what age and health population even race, and ethnic group.. I still cannot see making such blunt statements about a segment of the population that was just lumped into one big group.. Medicare recipients.

Who is to say that I may not be sicker or poorer off medically for what I might be denied.. no longer is the doctor in the driver's seat here.. unfortunately~
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