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Old 02-16-2009, 08:13 PM
JasonR JasonR is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 71
Default Another update

I called my doc's nurse again this morning to see if they had heard anything. She called back just as I was leaving work with some hopefully good news.

After the first appeal denial and asked my HR department if they could assist with the insurance company as we're self insured. They agreed to ask some questions, especially wanting information on why the specific procedure was denied since it was FDA approved, cost about the same, and was preferred by both myself and my Dr. I made sure my HR rep was informed of my opinions and beliefs on the reasoning of the insurance company for denial. The insurance company kept denying based on either long term safety and efficacy or by claiming it was investigational.experimental. The last denial even claimed that I HAD to be part of clinical study.

The Dr's liaison with the insurance companies called my insurance company today to get an update and was told by the insurance company rep that my company had gotten involved and the denial would likely be overturned. Far from being written in stone but the nurse sure was excited. Hopefully I'll hear something in the next few days.
DDD C5/6. Incorrectly diagnosed as tension headaches in September 1997.
Nearly continuous headache since.
Began having pain in wrists in 2000, believed it was onset of carpal tunnel.
In 2005 pain began getting worse.
Diagnosed as DDD in July 2007.
Surgery recommended after 6weeks of PT made the pain worse.
ADR scheduled for Jan 26, 2009. Rescheduled for August 5!
Bryan disc finally FDA approved, and just in time too.
Neck was all jacked up and had to be fused unfortunately.
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